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While their shots do little at enemy buildings, these troops are experts at dealing enemy foot troops. These unique British troops do more damage and have +1 range!

The Royal Yeomanry is a British level 7 unique Ranged Infantry unit unlocked in the Enlightenment Age. Its predecessor is the Yeomanry. It can be upgraded to the Black Watch. This British unique unit replaces the musketeer. It is upgraded in the level 7 blacksmith.

General Information

  • Like all ranged infantry, Royal Yeomanry can kill enemy infantry easily and quickly. They have 4 times the damage to enemy infantry than other type of unit.
  • Royal Yeomanry aren't efficient against enemy cavalry and buildings.
  • Royal Yeomanry are ranged units and can destroy buildings over walls.
  • Royal Yeomanry would attack the closest building on front of them but when attacked by an enemy troop; will fight back.
  • If there are enemy units nearby, Royal Yeomanry would attack them.
  • As a British unique unit, Royal Yeomanry has 15% more damage and 1% more attack speed than regular musketeers.

Historical Description

"During the Second Boer War companies of Yeomanry  were formed to serve overseas from volunteers from the Yeomanry. In 1901 all yeomanry regiments were redesignated as "Royal Yeomanry", and reorganized. In 1908 the Royal Yeomanry was merged with the Volunteer Force to form the Territorial Force."


Royal Yeomanry is seen wearing mitre cap which is worn by Grenadiers during 18th Century and he is arming a Musket

Attacking Strategies

  • Royal Yeomanry have low health; making them vulnerable to defenses. Use heavy infantry such as fusiliers as meat shields to protect them.
  • Royal Yeomanry are cheap and can be used to set off hidden enemy traps.
  • Use Royal Yeomanry to protect heavy infantry from other infantry so your heavy infantry won't get distracted.

Defensive Strategy

  • Royal Yeomanry can be used as good Alliance Troops. One example is that they can shoot over walls to attack troops of the attackers forcing the troops to destroy the wall to kill them. Another thing is that they're good against other heavy infantry.


  • A historical misconception is that according to military context, Yeomanry applies to longbowmen (whom are a lower rank than knights and squires but a higher rank than knaves) during the Gunpowder Age or volunteer cavalry regiments. The Yeomanry did arise in the late 18th century to counter the French threat but were volunteered for cavalry, not infantry.
  • The United Kingdom still have Yeomanry regiments in their army from the Napoleonic Wars to World War I to today.
  • The Unit is based on 18th Century British Grenadier