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DomiNations! Wiki

Mongols Coalition

Mongols is a War Coalition increases the Ballista and Mortar Troop attack speed and also the tactics damage in World War. 2 Mangonels will join your Coalition Army forces during War attacks.

General Information

Level Armory Req. Embassy Req. Cost


Time Exp Ballista and Mortar Troop Attack Speed Tactics Damage
1 Medieval Age 1 - - - +10% +10%
2 1 500,000 1d 520 +15% +15%
3 Gunpowder Age 2 1,750,000 2d 760 +20% +20%
4 Enlightenment Age 3 3,000,000 4d 1115 +25% +25%
5 Industrial Age 4 5,000,000 8d 1630 +30% +30%
6 Global Age 5 7,000,000 10d 1,845 +35% +35%
7 Atomic Age 6 8,000,000 11d 1,945 +40% +40%

Historical Description

"The Mongols were a nomadic tribe who established the greatest land empire the world has ever seen. To set the stage for these conquests, Genghis Khan first unified the local clans under his rule. This was no easy task, as the nomads lacked any history of state formation or intertribe cooperation.

With the combined power of the Mongols at his back, Genghis Khan was able to begin conquering enemies abroad. He would demand that they submit or be annihilated, and his forces obliterated any city that resisted.

One key to his success was the incorporation of new cultures into his army and administration. For example, Chinese engineers provided expertise in constructing siege weaponry. The Mongol conquests had a profound and lasting effect on world history, overthrowing empires and enabling trade and cultural between Europe and Asia under the 'Pax Mongolica.'

